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Sunday, June 20, 2010

2010 Ride To Work Day, Monday

Motorcycle Commuters Unite! Monday is "Ride To Work Day," which is celebrated every year on the 3rd Monday in June.

On Ride to Work Day, there are an estimated 150,000 additional Ride to Work Day commuting motorcycles and 150,000 less commuting car, light truck and SUV’s. This results in an estimated savings of 60,000 gallons of gasoline on Ride To Work Day -- annually this would reduce USA gasoline consumption by 15 million gallons.

If you ride your bike to work on Monday, you will be joining 129,141,982 commuters in this country (USA, 2003,) who ride motorcycles to work regularly, according to the US Census Bureau -- 11% of all commuters.

More than 6.5 million motorcycles are registered in the USA and 4.3% of them are used as primary transportation, year-round, according to the Motorcycle Industry Council. Totally, almost 15% of all registered bikes are used as primary transportation to work on at least a seasonal basis -- That's a total 932,542 seasonal and year-round motorcycle commuters.

The most current data from the US Department of Transportation (2003) reported 5.4 million motorcycles in regular use, each traveling an average 1,800 miles per year / 9,539,000,000 total annual miles.

The average roadway delay per person in 2001 was 26 hours per year and in 2003 that number had risen to 47 hours per year, an increase of 81%. The average commute time one way is 25 minutes - according to the Texas Transportation Institute.

The average United States driver travels 29 miles per day, on average 55 minutes per day - according to the US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Tests comparing car and motorcycle performance on real journeys suggest that traveling by motorcycle can shorten journey times by as much as 33 minutes of every hour for town centre and city travel, and 20 minutes of every hour for travel through a mixture of built-up and non built-up areas. These are facts that are measured by the Motorcycle Industry Association (UK.)

Motorcycles cover 1-2% of the total distance traveled by road, and cars cover 86%. If 2% of car commuters switched to motorcycles or scooters, the current level of motorcycle utility use would effectively double. Motorcycle Industry Association (UK)

This would also result in an annual household savings of more than $7,000 per year, per vehicle when comparing the costs of motorcycle transportation and auto transportation -- $3,665 for vehicle purchases, $1,235 for gas and oil and $2,471 for insurance and misc. US Department of Labor Statistics, 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey.

3 - 5 motorcycles fit per automobile parking space. RideToWork.Org/

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