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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Road Trip - Think Safety Before Going On The Road

In two weeks my club is going on a road trip and mostly nobody really checks their bikes before going on a long trip.  Just like when you go on a long trip with your car why not make sure everything is good with your motorcycle since you have more elements to deal with.

Listed below are some pointers from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation: T-CLOCS 
  • T: Tires - Make sure both tires are properly inflated, using an air pressure monitor that you bring with you on rides. Don't risk riding on tires that might need replacement; if suspect a tire will not last long enough for a ride, have it replaced. 
  •  C: Controls - Are your cables (clutch and brakes) and controls intact and working?
  • L: Lights - Make sure your headlights (high & low beam), turn signals, and brake lights work.
  • O: Oils & fluids - Check everything from engine oil and coolant to brake fluid.
  • C: Chassis - Ensure that the frame, suspension, chain, and fasteners are all secure and intact.
  • S: Stands - Make sure the center stand and/or side stand isn't cracked or bent, and that springs properly hold the assembly away from the pavement when stowed.
For a more detailed, down loadable inspection checklist, go to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation's website.

Now once your have inspected your motorcycle, make sure you have your plans together such as meet up time, destination, who you are riding with, decided how you will ride (formation or renegades), riding gear which definitely is a must eventhough we know it's summer and it's hot you still have on the proper riding gear(jacket, jeans, boots, helmet and gloves) it's OK when you get to your destination you can put on the shorts, t-shirt, etc.  

Make sure you have a snack for the in between breaks when there is no rest area and definitely plenty of water because for some reason you get thirsty as hell when you ride.  If you are taking any luggage make sure to pack securely not to off set the balance of the bike.  Make sure that everyone has a full tank of gas before actually heading on to the ride to start your journey.

Our moto is Ride2Live**Live2Ride so when riding think safety first and all else last.

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