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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Marine Salutes Rolling Thunder Riders in DC for 4 Hours

A solitary Marine holds vigil at full attention during the Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in tribute to fallen comrades. More than 1.4 million have watched this video of Marine Sgt. Tim Chambers standing for more than 4 hours at attention to salute more than 300,000 Rolling Thunder riders passing through Washington DC on Memorial Day weekend 2010.

He has been doing this for 6 years, and this year took a leave of absence from the Marine Corps to travel with "Carry The Flame" to Washington. "Run For The Wall" riders follow two cross-country routes every year, from California and Texas to join the Rolling Thunder Run through Washington DC, attended by nearly a million motorcycle enthusiasts.

We salute you, Marine Sgt. Tim Chambers! Semper Fi!

Rolling Thunder began in 1987 as a demonstration to bring awareness to the plight of prisoners of war (POW) and to those missing in action (MIA). Rolling Thunder originated when four Vietnam Veterans, exercising the First Amendment "Right to Petition and Assemble", organized the first group of 2500 motorcycles to ride through the streets of Washington, DC. This first Rolling Thunder run was made in an attempt to petition the government to take responsibility for the soldiers that were abandoned after the Vietnam War ended.

Today over 300, 000 motorcycles ride during the Rolling Thunder Memorial Day weekend observance, held each year in our nation’s capital. Rolling Thunder has evolved to be not only a demonstration for the POW/MIA issue but also a demonstration of patriotism and respect for soldiers and veterans from all wars.

Run For The Wall XXII - May 19 to 30 - "The Missing Man Formation" leads riders across the country to the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall in Washington DC to promote healing among ALL veterans, their families and friends; to call for an accounting of all POW/MIA; to honor the memory of those killed in action in all wars; and to support military personnel all over the world. "We ride for those who can't" -

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